Finding the right Physical Therapist can be hard, take a long time, and be frustrating having to try several you don't like first.


Finding the right fit with a physical therapist is like finding the perfect pair of pants!

They make you feel comfortable, happy, invincible, motivated, and strong!

Photo by Liz Stubbs Photography

Photo by Liz Stubbs Photography

So here are some ways to know if I might be the right fit for you!

I might be the right fit for you if…

You are focused on whole body health and wellness.

You want to own your health and make your own choices.

You have one or two irritations with your movements,

but its not something you would consider mentioning to your doctor, like…

Just a little stiffness in your (neck, knee, back, foot, etc).

A noisy (shoulder, ankle, wrist) that doesn’t move as far as I think it should.

An ache you’ve had for years that just won’t quit.

You feel like you used to be stronger and you want that back.

You feel pretty good with your gym workouts,

but have had some past injuries that sometimes hold you back.

You want make sure you’re able to play with the kids/grandkids.

You want some help with food choices to improve your health.

You like to learn about your body and have fun while doing it.

You want an extra boost to get you motivated right now.

You haven’t had success in past physical therapy.

You want a provider who creates a genuine relationship with you.

You are short on time and can’t take time off for appointments.

It’s too much hassle to make time for you because of the kids’ schedules.

You like to pay for the convenience of goods and services coming to you (Amazon, Grubhub, Peloton workouts).

You would rather limit your social exposure to reduce risk of transmitting or catching COVID 19.

You want a fair and unbiased opinion on what care is best for you.

I will even tell you if there is a better option that isn’t me, based on your needs and preferences.

Do any of those sound like you?

If so, try a complimentary virtual consult to learn if we would make a good team for your health and wellness goals!


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